Promotions & Exclusions

PRO version of the Search Tools plugin allows you to add custom posts to the top of the search results.

Default WordPress order of the results sometimes doesn’t correspond to the real relevance of the posts.

You can set top results for each query:

  1. In the administration, go to “Search Tools – Query Control”
  2. Click on top button “Add New”
  3. To the title type the search query, for which you want to manage results
  4. In the “Promotions” section, choose preferred post, click on the “plus” sign
  5. If all is good, save/publish the post
  6. The chosen post is going to be the first in the search results

If you promote to the top the post, which was ordered as the third, there is no duplicity. The post is displayed at the top and deleted from the third position.


Exclusions work in the same way of management as Promotions.

Global Exclusions are located in the “Search Tools – PRO Settings”, at the bottom.